switch sing twist this .&- his signs rhythmic its vinyl mist wild stick stitch lips disk :# dimly .. birds till = kind ^= disk find thing dying crisis || physics shirt |= wild sticky script crisis :#
Your feedback is always welcome.
switch sing twist this .&- his signs rhythmic its vinyl mist wild stick stitch lips disk :# dimly .. birds till = kind ^= disk find thing dying crisis || physics shirt |= wild sticky script crisis :#
checkerboard archive field gap ::: (re)creation
ze reconstruct # one ^ the conjoin intelligence
topographic phrase departures ze constellations
mourning && reception reclamation fading urgent
rigging typing drinks . sink disk _ twisting : chill shifting thirst birds which &~= bright filing gifts :: grip climb gripping its striking shiny stick high ^| shiny first limit brick rim girl
jazz flat was scar lamp hall saw plan data :- mask dark :~< gay malls warp and : can sack +x ahab draw bars am hat wax am transact . drawn +=> clap mast +^ latch cat pathways stamp | clasp car
gulf churn thrum gulf bulk blur struck duty us pull push ~~ gun duluth junk lungs turns duluth up trucks flung gun just full hum lung lucky push blur bully sun skull hush lucky rusty fur turns
swarm crack trans flags lazy grammar many lazy < cars clasp < carts anyway that += vacant fall skyward asl cards grassland pawn |: parts facts knapsack grand pathways lay black claw back shards
blink finding knit dying drinks sixth circling lists miss stick lining .:= midnight rim +|> slight lists skin risks wings night think disk fix twist wish sixth flight crisis city & pick sticks
balls land : art stalks wax -^. craft trash glass awkward stamps any :^ baby path latch trashcan asl | crack flash tar masts =_ slant & flag bar ash < mary carts tap & canvas day dawn clamps gray
be precious on record wind never transformation
roll graffiti categories start information ribs